2024 Spring Preview: Plato Softball


By Chris Parker

Tyler Shalbot takes over as head coach of the Plato softball program after years as a baseball coach.

“I have high expectations for the girls this season,” Shalbot said. “This is my first year coaching softball as I have coached baseball for the past 16 years. So, it will be a learning experience for myself. They won 14 games last season with 12 losses, and we would like to improve the win total and decrease the loss total from last season. We really struggled in tournament settings when we played multiple games and we have been working on our pitching depth to help us in those situations. We would also like to win another district championship and make another final four run as they did two years ago. Last season they lost the quarterfinal game and would like to get another chance at that this season.”

Eight of nine starters return this season. Shalbot identified Kaylee Copley (senior), Jaydyn Curnett (senior), Carli Cook (junior), Makayla Fletcher (junior) and Sierra Thompson (junior) as team leaders.

Shalbot on Copley: “Kaylee Copley is a senior leader who has good speed, plays an excellent centerfield, and is great at getting on base.”

Shalbot on Curnett: “Jaydyn Curnett is a senior leader who is our catcher. She is a solid catcher with a plus arm and does a great job controlling the running game. She is a middle of the order hitter who hits for a high average.”

Shalbot on Cook: “Carli Cook is a middle of the order hitter who has plus power and does a great job of getting on base.”

Shalbot on Fletcher: “Makayla Fletcher was the starting shortstop last season and led the team in home runs with four. She has good power and runs the bases well.”

Shalbot on Thompson: “Sierra Thompson is a vocal leader who is always encouraging her teammates. She will play infield, pitch, and is also a solid hitter with good speed.”

Copley hit .436 with a 1.126 OPS last season. She had 20 RBI and a team-high 35 runs scored. Curnutt posted a 1.119 OPS with 26 RBI and 16 runs scored. Cook had a 1.214 OPS with 14 doubles, 24 runs scored and 32 RBI. Fletcher led the team with a 1.357 OPS including 12 doubles, three triples, four home runs, 31 RBI and 30 runs scored. Thompson returns after a 1.224 OPS, 29 RBI and 28 runs scored in 2023.

Taylor Utley (sophomore) along with Thompson, Fletcher and Presley Sigmon (freshman) will be the team’s pitching staff.

Brooklyn Delcour will back up Curnett at catcher.

Cook (first base), Leeann Wolfe (third base) along with Thompson, Fletcher, Denise Dodge, Taryne Scott, Robbie Venker and Sigmon will see time on the infield.

Copley will play centerfield with Dodge, Leah Collison, Rave Craddock, Scott, Jayanna Draper, Skyleigh Good and Delcour in the mix for outfield time.

“Our offense is probably our biggest strength as we hit .369 as a team last season and averaged over seven runs per game. We return those same bats to the lineup and have added a few girls that I think we help us,” Shalbot said. “Our team defense needs to improve for us to get to the next level. We averaged three errors per game last season, and we would like to improve that to under two per game. We also need to do a better job in the circle throwing strikes. We had 118 free bases from either walks or hit by pitches in 134 innings last season and that is too many we would like to cut that number in half. So, if we pitch it better and play better defense, I think we will be tough to beat.”

Plato opens the season on Mar. 16 at the Frisco League Tournament.

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